
The stolen white elephant

The stolen white elephant

I heard the following curious story from a railway acquaintance. He was a gentleman of more than seventy years of age, and his good face and sincere manner put the stamp of truth on everything he said. (p.11)

It's a detective story. The king of Siam decided to give a white elephant to the Queen of England, as a gift. During the trip, the ship stops at the New York's harbour because a doctor would see the white elephant that was sick. Then, after two weeks travelling, the white elephant is stolen. The white elephant. The white elephant's deliver came back to New York City and looked for the police force. He was fortunate because the chief of the force, the celebrated Inspector Blunt, was there and decided to help him. In spector Blunt took notes about the elephant's eating habits and appearance, and printed photos. Then he sold the information to the newspapers. He also suggested a reward and sent lots of his men to look for the elephant. After some days, the white elephant was accused killing some people and destroying villages, but the search continued and the reward raised until one hundred thousand dollars...

Twain, M(2007). The stolen white elephant, Helbling languages

1 件のコメント:

  1. Twain, M(2007). The stolen white elephant, Helbling languages
    Twain, M. (2007). The stolen white elephant. Helbling Languages.



卒論について ①      タイトル 早期英語教育の必要性 ②      キーワード 日本の英語運用能力 現在の日本の英語教育の実態 日本人に合った英語教育法 メリット・デメリット 他国と日本の英語教育の比較 ...