
The happy plince and the nightingale and the rose

The happy plince and the nightingale and the rose
High above the city, on a tall column, stands the statue of the Happy Prince. He is covered all over with thin leaves of gold, for eyes he has two bright sapphires, and there is a large red ruby on his sword. (p.11)
The Happy Prince is a tale with multiple lessons. From one side it is the critic of the society that can be cruel and heartless and on the other side, it is about the compassion towards humans troubles.
The Happy Prince is a contemporary fairytale whose plot is surreal and it is placed into a modern society with real problems. Oscar Wild tried to state in a simple way the virtues and flaws of a person in all of his fairy tales and tried to criticize the society which is insensible.
The main character knew only about nice things and after that, he decided to open his lead heart to everyone in need. When he helped them he didn’t regret about the decorations taken down from him and he keeps on doing noble things with the help of a swallow. The swallow was the proof that everyone can do selfless things even though they would maybe be risking their lives. His love and devotion were rewarded with an eternal life.
Wilde,O. (2007). The happy prince and the nightingale and the rose. Helbling languages.

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