

When Jojo was younger, some big boys teased her in the park. Joko was so angry, she kicked the bal really hard. It went over Billy and Sam... over Grumpyboots and the flower bed...and whacked the big boy on the back! Jojo was amazed at what a great kick she had. Since then, Joko had been keen on playing football. She spent her dinner times playing with the boys in her class, and soon she was as good as any of them.

I read "Jojo Makes the TEAM" today. It's about the girl who is the first girl to play in the Story Street School football team. Her name is Jojo and she play football very well. Her teacher chose her to part in a football tournament but her classmate was jealous of her. After that none of them would let her join in football. She was very angry but her teacher told her classmate about Jojo and they understood   her. At last, the big day came and she scored a goal!


Jenny,A (2001). Jojo Makes the Team, New York

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卒論について ①      タイトル 早期英語教育の必要性 ②      キーワード 日本の英語運用能力 現在の日本の英語教育の実態 日本人に合った英語教育法 メリット・デメリット 他国と日本の英語教育の比較 ...