

Mr and Mrs King were going out for the night. They had an invitation. The Kings were dressed up as ghosts. Ben said they didn't look scary at all. Tessa thought it was silly to go to a party looking like a ghost. "I'd dress up like a pop star," she said dreamily. "I'd look beautiful. I wouldn't be seen dead dressed like a grotty ghost." Mrs King laughed. "It's nice to know that you two are so proud of your parents!"

I read "Ben and the Ghost" today. Ben's parents were going out for the night so Ben and Tessa stayed overnight with their grandparents. While Ben, Tessa and their grandparents go their home, rain fell from the sky like a giant waterfall. When they arrived the home, they looks as if they were swimming. Then they changed clothes and dried wet clothes they had put on. At night Ben saw the ghost and screemed. But it was the T-shirt he dried.


Jeremy,S (2001). Ben and the Ghost, New York

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