

Millions of years ago, incredible creatures lived on Earth. They were dinosaurs.The word dinosaur means terrible lizard. Some dinosaurs walked on two legs. Some walked on four legs. There were lots of different dinosaurs. Some had spiny backs. Some had bony plates. Some had strange crests. These dinosaurs had very big crests. They probably blew trough them to make a noise. The dinosaur is called Apatosaurus. It was longer than a bus,taller than a house, and as heavy as four elephants.

I read "Dinosaurs " today. It's about kinds way of life of dinosaurs. For example, Pterosaurs looped and swooped in the sky and Plesiosaurs splashed and swam in the sea. Surprisingly some dinosaurs were meat-eaters, or carnivores. They ate anything they could catch...even other dinosaurs.
It is unbelievable for me but I want to go there where dinosaurs live. But I would  regret if I went the dinosaurs world because they are very scarcely!

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