

"WIl you help me plant the wheat?" asked Little Red Hen. "No," said the rat, the cat and the dog. "Then I will plant it all by myself," said Little Red Hen. And she did. "Will you help me cut the wheat?" asked Little Red Hen. "No," said the rat, the cat and the dog."Then I will cut it all by myself," said Little Red Hen. And she did.

I read "Little Red Hen" today. It's about the chikin which wanted to make bread. He has a three friends, the rat, the cat and the dog. The chikin wanted them to help him but they didn't want to because they didn't know he wanted to make the bread finally. Until the chikin make the bread, they didn't heip him. But he asked  them "Will you help me eat the bread?", then they replied "Yes," but he said them "No," and he eat it all by hisself!


A Penguin Company

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卒論について ①      タイトル 早期英語教育の必要性 ②      キーワード 日本の英語運用能力 現在の日本の英語教育の実態 日本人に合った英語教育法 メリット・デメリット 他国と日本の英語教育の比較 ...