

In 1897, something very strange happened in the town of Aurora,Texas. Children playing in a field saw a strange 'ship' fly over and then crash into a farm building. Men ran to the crash and found just one alien in the ship-dead. They put the alien under the ground- and, if the story is true, he is still there, somewhere under Aurora.

I read 'U.F.O.s'  today. It's about UFO and ALIEN. On 30 June,1908, the people of Nizhne-Karelinsk, a small village in Tunguska, saw a line of fire cut across the sky.
Tunguska was very difficult to get to in 1908. Some news papers wrote about the explosion, but no sciemtist to go there was Leonid Kuilk, in 1927.

Helen,B (1999) U.F.O.s, New York

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卒論について ①      タイトル 早期英語教育の必要性 ②      キーワード 日本の英語運用能力 現在の日本の英語教育の実態 日本人に合った英語教育法 メリット・デメリット 他国と日本の英語教育の比較 ...