
The Outside dog③

At bedtime Marisol was quiet. "Que pasa?" asked Grandfather. "What's the matter?" "Nothing. I just wondered if Pancho really is our dog." "Marisol," said Grandfather, "I told you from the start that once you feed a dog, he thinks you own him." "Do you own him?" asked Marisol. Grandfather chuckled. "I don't know," he said. "But he sure owns us." "Does that mean we will always feed him?" "I guess so,"said Grandfather. "I love you,Abuelito," said Marisol. "I love you,too,Mari.

I read "The Outside Dog".
Grandfather disagree to have the dog for the first time.
I was moved their love !

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卒論について ①      タイトル 早期英語教育の必要性 ②      キーワード 日本の英語運用能力 現在の日本の英語教育の実態 日本人に合った英語教育法 メリット・デメリット 他国と日本の英語教育の比較 ...